Handling Trade Errors: Best Practices for Private Fund Advisers
The best way for advisers to minimize the costs of trade errors is to accept that such errors occur and create a sound plan of action for when they do.
A legal blog on private funds, startups, and venture capital.
A legal blog on private funds, startups, and venture capital.
The best way for advisers to minimize the costs of trade errors is to accept that such errors occur and create a sound plan of action for when they do.
A private equity fund is an investment entity that raises capital from investors to make investments in private companies under a specified investment strategy. This post is an introduction to what you need to know.
Accredited investors, qualified clients, and qualified purchasers are three categories of investor qualification that are important to private fund managers. This post provides an explanation of the differences between them.
Launching a hedge fund can be a significant undertaking. By planning ahead, you’ll reduce the risk of potential noncompliance down the road. We'll explain some practical tips that will be helpful as you begin this process.
Bruce Karpati, the Chief of the SEC Enforcement Division’s Asset Management Unit, held a Q&A session entitled “Private Equity Enforcement Concerns” at the Private Equity International Conference held in New York on January 23, 2013. He addressed private equity firm…